NordicPATH methods for active co-design will build on environmental monitoring and participatory urban planning in Nordic cities and utilizing crowdsourcing through strategies of citizen involvement. NordicPATH’s co-monitoring with people will be based on using new low-cost sensor technologies capable of offering real-time data on air pollution. NordicPATH’s co-planning with people will be based on using new map-based survey technologies (PPGIS) to get ideas and insights from residents. We will transform the data into tangible information that can be incorporated into the work of urban and environmental planners.
NordicPATH is working in four Urban Living Labs (ULL), Kristiansand (Norway), Gothenburg (Sweden), Aalborg (Denmark) and Lappeenranta (Finland). These urban laboratories will provide the necessary learning arena to explore best practices in citizen involvement.
Check the specific sites of the Urban Living Labs to see what is happening and join us!