Survey – Air quality data visualisation

In NordicPATH, we aim to co-create sustainable solutions to the environmental challenges of Nordic cities. An essential initial step for this mission is to gather knowledge on the views and behaviours on specific topics concerning air quality and environmental and urban planning.

Air quality data can be used by both citizens and policymakers to make better and more informed decisions. However, it is not always easy to interpret air quality data, and the data can be presented in many different ways. How should we present air quality data for it to be useful for your life? That is what we want to find out with this survey.

WHERE: access the survey through this link 

WHEN: the survey will run during March and April 2023

WHO: the survey is open to everyone, not only limited to Gothenburg. As with every data collection, a big number of diverse participants will only enrich the results. So spread the word among your neighbors, relatives, and friends, and submit your answers!